2020 Showtime on Ice Committee


 DFSC Officials


 2020 Honorary awards & Recipients


Gay Barnes Award

2020 Recipient: Bruce Hurd

The Gay Barnes Award is awarded to a member who has continued to serve the skating community in a professional capacity and has shown exceptional commitment to figure skating.

Bruce Hurd is our 2020 Recipient of the Gay Barnes award. Bruce Hurd is a master figure skating technician in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He began skating in 1962 in Great Falls, Montana. As an amateur figure skater, Bruce experienced all the disciplines of figure skating and excelled in pairs. He was a national-level competitor in pairs until 1974. Following his amateur successes, Bruce became a professional skater and skated in shows around the world for over a decade. He toured with Scott Hamilton, Dorothy Hamill, John Curry, and Tai and Randy Gardner, among others. He partnered Peggy Fleming in shows in Lake Tahoe and Madison Square Gardens. 

In his teens, Bruce became interested in the technical aspects of the blade and the intricacies of maintaining the blade for the best performance. He was acutely aware of how slight adjustments enhanced performance. It was this background that led him to become a figure skating technician, fully dedicated to enhancing the individual performance of each skater he works with by fine tuning, not just the blade, but the boot as well. He has been a technician for over 35 years and has continued to advance his expertise through his association with Sid Broadbent of Ice Skate Conditioning, an engineer who has improved the technology of blade maintenance to new levels through the development new tools.

Bruce’s pro shop, Living on the Edge in  Colorado Springs, provides state-of-the art, individualized care of boots and blades for all levels of skaters. He works with many of the top skaters in the country who train in Colorado Springs as well as skaters from all over who come to the Springs for specialized training, camps, and competitions. 


 Ian Horsky Award

2020 Recipient: Tamara Valdez


The Ian Horsky Award is awarded to an outstanding volunteer within the Denver Figure Skating Club each year.

Our 2020 Recipient of the Ian Horsky Award is Tamara Valdez. Tamara Valdez is a selfless wonder. She has given hundreds of hours of her time volunteering for, and bettering, Denver FSC. For the past 5 years, she has served on the Showtime on Ice committee making magic happen on and off the ice. Additionally, Tamara is the mastermind behind the annual holiday on ice logo design. When asked to contribute a design idea or help with a project she not only steps up she does so humbly and with care and consideration of our membership.  Thank you, Tamara, for your time, your dedication and your friendship to Denver FSC. 

Ev'ry single person here could become a volunteer
Maybe you are unaware of the talent you could share .
A quick "Hello", a friendly smile or some work that takes a while.

But know there is a job somewhere that needs your special kind of flare
Perhaps a quick chore for a friend ~ perhaps a cause for which you'll spend
The rest of all your live-long days- hours and hours, no pay raise
Except the knowledge your small part-time, talent, given from the heart,
Can work some miracle of grace and make this world a better place.

                - Poem written by  Denver FSC Honorary Member, Ian Horsky 


 Elsie Weinstein Award

2020 Recipients: Cindy & Angela Foote


The Elsie Weinstein Award is awarded to a DFSC members who have shown remarkable, persevering spirit.

Cindy Foote and her daughter Angela are very special members of the Denver Figure Skating Club. Cindy and Angela, have volunteered for many jobs in the club throughout Angela’s skating career.  Cindy is facing current challenges with courage and determination, while Angela is a role model at the rink, nice to everyone, and has been working hard to achieve all of her goals before heading off to college this fall. 

We honor, Cindy and Angela, as they have the true persevering spirit that is embodied in the Elsie Weinstein Honorary member award.  We are inspired by both of you and love you!


 Our 2020 award winners

 We love the denver figure skating club!